Amanda Swick

Amanda Swick

Keynote Speaker

Amanda Swick

Amanda Swick is a pastor’s wife and a homeschooling mother to 3 handsome boys. Her and her husband, Jason, live in Prineville, Oregon and have been ministering with the Prineville Church of Christ for the past three years. Before that they spent 10 years as college ministers at Oregon State University. During those years, as she dealt with the ups and downs of campus ministry, caring for a sick child, and the general chaos of life, Amanda found her passion for prayer. Through prayer, God sustained her and brought peace that was beyond understanding (Phil 4:7). Now she is on a mission to share the joys of prayer with others. In her free time, Amanda enjoys being outdoors, creating gifts with her Cricut, and reading.


Keynote Session: “Awake To The Power Of God’s Love”

The power of God’s love is woven throughout the fabric of the Bible. You can find it in hymns of worship and in battle cries, tender words of blessing, and declarations of confident hope. In this keynote session, we’ll journey through Scripture and see how God’s people experienced His love. We’ll learn how God accomplished incredible wonders and miracles through His people when they remembered who He was and who they were in Him. We’ll also discover how we can experience that same love and power today by grounding our identity in Christ.

Keynote: “Awake to the Power of God’s Love”

In Person

The power of God’s love is woven throughout the fabric of the Bible. You can find it in hymns of worship and in battle cries, tender words of blessing, and declarations of confident hope. In this keynote session, you’ll journey through scripture and see how God’s people experienced His love. You’ll learn how God accomplished […]