Summer Shore

Summer Shore

Breakout Speaker and Co-Founder of Revive Ministries

Summer Shore

Summer Shore is co-founder of Revive Ministries, an author, speaker, and co-host of the Experience Revival podcast. She has been on-air personality in Christian radio for the past 6 years, and has been speaking and teaching for over 18 years, using humor and real-life experiences to connect with women, speak to their hearts and draw them closer to God. She also enjoys singing and leading worship whenever she can. Summer and her husband, Jake, have 3 boys that keep her on her toes! Summer loves spending time traveling and going on adventures with her family, especially if it involves going to her favorite Cuban restaurant.


Breakout Session:

Description coming soon


Revive Ministries Presentation & Raffle Giveaway

In Person

Melissa Campbell will share a little bit about Revive Ministries, the host of the Revive! Conference and some of the resources we have available to grow in your faith. Melissa is a writer, speaker and co-founder for Revive Ministries, as well as, co-host of the Experience Revival Podcast. Melissa has a Master’s of Theology from […]